The school year is rapidly approaching. Teachers, students, and (mostly relieved) parents are preparing for the next year and all the excitement that comes along with it. Our church family is preparing, and so is the community around us.
With all of the preparation, comes an opportunity to shine the light of Christ in the community around us as well! We are partnering with Hook elementary school to provide school supplies and encourage the teachers and staff of the school. We’ve been able to do this for a few years, and we’re excited to see this partnership continue to grow as we find ways to serve others.
This is a chance for us as a church to love others with our actions, to do good works, to carry other’s burdens and to do good to all people!
Take some time to stop by the information desk and take the responsibility of donating a specific item, writing encouraging letters to the teachers and staff of the school, or volunteering your time to come and prepare all the donations to be delivered to the school. Let’s come together and have an outpouring of love on this school so that all who receive or even know about this would get a better picture and a fuller understanding of God’s love for them.