We arrived in Mexico in 2001. We were in language school in Guadalajara, Mexico for 8 months before moving to Pachuca to begin working in the ministry in 2002. We spent the first years working alongside other missionaries in a church plant, serving with youth and cell groups. During that time we built and ran a community outreach center (inside of which we also had an apartment for our family) where we offered a wide variety of classes for the community. In 2009 we planted a church inside the same building (Nueva Vida). We started with 14 people and that grew to about 140 people before we sent off 50+ people to start a new church in 2018 (Nueva Semilla) and that church has now grown to over 100+ people reaching out in one of the most impoverished areas of Pachuca.

In 2018 we also started our 3 month ministry training school (On The Move) which focuses on training "normal" people to do the works of the ministry (Eph. 4:11-12) and training people in starting small groups and/or simple churches in homes.

We are in our 6th year of the school and it has been a blessing to our people and churches and other churches in Pachuca. It is our busiest time of the year (Sept-Nov - 13 weeks) but also so amazing to see lives transformed and people equipped in ministry not only for their churches, but for their workplace, school, etc.

In 2019 a young couple asked us to help them start a new church (La Viña) and we have worked along side of them through the many changes and challenges of the pandemic. Currently it is a house church meeting in one of the houses we rent for the school.

In 2022 another group was sent out from our first church plant (Nueva Vida) to start another church in the south of the city. They (Iglesia Selah) are a growing, vibrant community who recently celebrated their first anniversary as a church.

When we are not focused on the school, we divide our time among the 4 churches we work with and focus on encouraging and strengthening the current leaders and helping them to train new leaders.

We have been extremely blessed by our relationship with TCC which (I believe) began in 2009. Your partnership has been an important part of helping us accomplish what GOD has called us to here in Mexico. We have been blessed to receive one group to serve with us here and we would LOVE to receive more groups in the future.