Discipleship at TCC
The Discipleship wheel
At TCC, we use this Discipleship Wheel to help people navigate their spiritual journey. The wheel begins at the 12 o’clock position and moves clockwise. It is our mission to make disciples of Jesus who make disciples. We believe this happens when people follow Jesus, are changed by Jesus, and join the mission of Jesus.
Every person’s spiritual journey is different. However, we believe it is our job to help facilitate that journey as best we can. We want to help you move from just starting your journey to connecting, serving, and eventually making disciples yourself.
The following classes are offered on a regular basis throughout the year to help you with your journey. Please sign up for these classes as they become available.
Connecting Personally with God
One aspect of being a disciple of Jesus is allowing ourselves to be changed by Jesus. One way that this happens is by connecting personally with God through Spiritual Disciplines.
This class focuses on the connecting personally with God through different spiritual pathways and engaging with God in some basic commitments that help a follower of Jesus to grow spiritually.
Whether you are a new Christian or old, we’d love for you to come and jumpstart your connection to God.
Discovering My Ministry
Jesus invites his followers to join His mission. This requires that we take action and help serve His kingdom and the world.
This class focuses on helping you learn your gifting and calling in the Kingdom of God. We go through a spiritual gift assessment followed by a discussion on what that means for you and your service.
We hope to help you discover your unique design for ministry and to help you develop those giftings to help serve others.
How to Share Your faith
No one just wants to just exist in this world – we all want to make a difference. And I am guessing you are in this class because you have people in your life that you want to influence for Jesus and know intuitively that God has a desire to use you to be a part of that process. We also know that God has charged us with Making Disciples and sharing our faith is a part of that charge.
In this class, we challenge you to work on sharing the Gospel one person at a time.