Starting Point
Every Spiritual Journey begins somewhere. At TCC, Starting Point is that beginning. This class discusses what it means to begin the discipleship journey with Jesus. We will discuss what Jesus did through His death and Resurrection, what it means to connect to Him through Baptism and Communion, and what it means to be part of His church here at TCC.
This class is an important first step in being part of Jesus’s church and a part of the TCC community.
Growth Classes
Part of being a disciple of Jesus is growing in our knowledge and depth of insight. At Troy Christian Church, one way in which this accomplished is through our growth classes.
Our growth classes use several different teaching styles to help fit any learner. We also offer a variety of class discussion to help meet your spiritual needs in the moment.
Discipleship Classes
It is our mission to make disciples of Jesus who make disciples. We believe this happens when people follow Jesus, are changed by Jesus, and join the mission of Jesus.
Every person’s spiritual journey is different. However, we believe it is our job to help facilitate that journey as best we can. We want to help you move from just starting your journey to connecting, serving, and eventually making disciples yourself.
We offer three discipleship classes designed to jump start your spiritual journey. Check them out to see when the next class meets.
Small Groups
Groups at Troy Christian Church exist to help connect you to a spiritual family, and to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus AND with others. We believe that this kind of life-change happens best in a small group of disciples.
We offer groups throughout our community, and will do our best to connect you with a group that fits your schedule!
Micro Groups
A Microgroup is a group of 3-4 gender specific individuals that meet for a year to a year and a half. The members of these groups are committed to growing spiritually together using Greg Ogden’s Essential Guide to Becoming a Disciple, Discipleship Essentials, or The Essential Commandment.
The Microgroup is the container or context for a highly relational setting that creates the environment for accelerated growth. The reason growth is accelerated in this smaller units is profoundly simple. It has to do with personal investment. When people commit themselves to study Scripture, record their own insights, and then come together to verbalize their discoveries, they are getting God’s Word into their life.
These insights are shared in a trust-based community. This means that biblical truth through the Holy Spirit is creating self-awareness and shaping character. Participants have realigned their lives for the purpose of becoming mature, reproducing disciples of Jesus.