TCC Students is the Student ministry of Troy Christian Church. We exist to help our students become disciples who make disciples.
Everything we offer for our students provides them with the opportunity to become a disciple of Jesus. We strive to accomplish this through our weekly gathering on Wednesday nights, our Sunday Growth Classes, and special events.
Wednesday Night Live
Wednesday Night Live for Students in 6th-12th Grade who are able to engage with each in community with each other and have fun! At WNL we offer community, games, worship, message, and small groups. We meet from 6:30-8:30 during the school year.
Growth Classes
TCC Students offers Growth Classes for both Jr High and Sr High Students on Sunday Morning at the 10:30 service. This is a time for Students who are looking to deepen their faith and know who God is. Our hope is that you worship as a family at 9:00 am, and then in Growth Class, Students will take the Passage that was talked about in Service and learn how to apply it to their lives.
CIY Conferences
CIY is the summer conference we go to every summer! We would love for your student to join us this year for either MOVE or MIX! MOVE is our High School conference (students going into 9th-Graduating) and MIX is our Jr High conference (students going into 6th-8th) both of these offer quality programming and atmosphere for students to encounter Jesus! Click the links below for more information.