Trunk or Treat was amazing! When trying to recap the event, I’m having a difficult time knowing where to start. The event itself was a huge success, but that’s all due to the heartfelt prep that went into it the weeks prior. Several weeks earlier, the students in Kids Church began praying. They prayed for perfect weather and that God would bring us many many people to serve during Trunk or Treat. With an estimated 800 guests, beautiful and perfect weather, we can confidently declare God’s provision and blessing for Trunk or Treat.
The weeks prior were also filled with diligent work and preparation from fantastic Team Leads. The Team Leads for Trunk or Treat are the most organized, passionate, and hard-working people. Each Team Lead was responsible for casting vision to others, then empowering and encouraging a team. In addition to God’s provision, it was because of these individual’s dedication that Trunk or Treat was a success. Thank you to Mandy Beatty, Bob Bright, Josh Harman, Melissa Goad, Barbara Guerra, Morgan Wellspring, Jimmy Morlan, Danny Miller, Cathy Lucente and Diana Morlan for your hard work and leadership!
I’m thankful for God’s provision of perfect weather and guest attendance. I’m thankful for the dedication of each Team Lead. But TCC Family, I am incredibly thankful, humbled, and impressed by YOU! Throughout the entire Trunk or Treat event, I noticed each of you shining a bright light before our community guests. To the willing parking lot attendants, you welcomed guests to our home with such enjoyable interactions. To the greeting team, you engaged in friendly conversations and provided helpful information to many families. Those of you that decorated trunks, you not only poured effort into your masterpiece trunk decorations, but you provided a pleasant and joyful experience with each child and family you interacted with. The brave individuals that supervised inflatable games, you served with a cheerful disposition, your patience has not gone unnoticed. Our hard-working kitchen team, thank you for prepping hot dogs the whole night, along with delivering them to our serving team. To the team serving food and popcorn, thank you for not only serving and completing a task but doing so with joy and patience. To all of you that attended the event with your family, thank you! You made your family a priority. While it may appear you were simply enjoying a fall activity together, you were also shining a bright light for all our guests to experience. The joy and patience you displayed for your family was a ministry! Thank you!
Throughout the night, TCCKids intentionally interacted and invited individuals to visit us for Sunday services. When a family returns to TCC for worship, they will not find inflatable games, free hot dogs, popcorn, decorated trunks, or most of what they experienced at Trunk or Treat. But TCC Family, I am confident they will find the same friendly interactions with each of you that they did Friday night.
TCC, I am proud to be part of this family. You are a group of passionate, loving, and hospitable people.