Sunday was an amazing day as we watched God express His call on the lives of six people. Samantha, Tom, Teresa, Mike, Ally, and Steve all followed God’s command to be baptized. Only one of them had communicated to us ahead of time, all the others were moved by the words of Scripture and the Spirit of God to faithfully follow God’s plan.
It was beautiful to see a son baptize his father and a dad, his daughter. It was beautiful to watch the people who were witnessing these decisions be moved to tears as they watched the fruit of their own lives and relationships unfold right before their eyes. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 3:6, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.” Every time we see a life changed, surrendered to Jesus, we know that God has used different people over time to bring about that decision. Thank you for your faithfulness if you played a part in any of these lives being changed. Make sure you watch the video that was created to celebrate these changed lives.
Based on additional conversations that were initiated on Sunday, we anticipate more decisions in the weeks to follow. God’s Spirit is still active, and His Word is still speaking to people about their obedience in this area of baptism.
Thank you as well if you participated in our membership commitment Sunday. We added 50 new members on Sunday and had many more recommit to their membership here at Troy Christian Church. Those numbers will only increase in the coming weeks as people finish listening to messages in the series and complete their forms. Each one of those decisions represents an individual who is committed to putting their life into play for the sake of God’s Kingdom; that is exciting! We anticipate great things ahead for our church as we move forward into God’s future!
Sunday evening was a great finale to a Lord’s Day! Over 200 people gathered to enjoy sweet fellowship and good food. Melony Harman and her team had the worship center and lobby decorated beautifully for Christmas. Many people helped turn the worship center into a great setting for our Harvest Banquet, including Melissa Goad and her team of decorators. Becky Perry and Melony Harman prepared, in conjunction with our friends at Riverside, so that we could launch our 2019 Giving Tree Project. We ask our church family to engage in this event each year to bless people who have very real needs in the name of Jesus. There are still several tags available, make sure to grab one this Sunday if you would like to participate.