The Importance of Community

This coming weekend my daughter, Rigley, will turn a year old.  Rigley was due to arrive the beginning of November last year, but due to some medical concerns, she was born 6 weeks early, at the end of September. The week leading up to Rigley’s birth date is what TJ and I refer to as “The Whirlwind Week.” The four days preceding Rigley’s birth TJ and I were sent to the hospital every day, not knowing if the day would conclude in us welcoming our second child or being sent home to rest. Although our whole family was in a state of chaos, we still felt an immense state of peace.  God answered our pleas of comfort and peace through our TCC family.  In the midst of a whirlwind of emotions and fears, our TCC family immediately stepped in and helped provide peace. The TCC staff, without question, covered my tasks and responsibilities in the office. Ministry team leaders removed every burden or thought I had about children’s ministry logistics. Volunteers covered every base and served above and beyond their normal responsibilities. A fellow mom put herself on standby for whatever need may arise for Ike.  Our small group rallied around us, prayed for us, encouraged us, fed us and loved us without prompt or condition.  

“The Whirlwind Week” resulted in a very strong, healthy, and beautiful girl entering our family.  TJ, Ike and I marveled at the kindness God chose to show us. The abundant outpouring of love did not cease from our TCC family either. During Rigley’s NICU stay, we had many visitors, calls, texts and needs met by our church family.  I was encouraged and could feel the many prayers being lifted up on behalf of our family.  

A year later, I find myself reliving the moments and emotions surrounding the arrival of our daughter and TCC family, you are a large portion of that story. When reflecting back on the experience, I am reminded more of peace, love, and hope rather than the fear, pain, and worry. Philippians 4:7 says, “Then God’s peace will watch over your hearts and your minds. He will do this because you belong to Christ Jesus. God’s peace can never be completely understood.” Family, thank you for allowing God to use you to provide peace.  I am humbled by the love you showed and continue to show me and my family.  I am honored to serve alongside my TCC family. 

TCC believes that life change happens best in smalls groups and that we are all better together.  We desire for each person to experience community in small groups.  If you are interested in finding out more check out