On July 1 of this year, our TCC family set out to approach one of the most significant crises in the world; the World Water Crisis. This is not just a fancy name to generate an emotional response, but a title recognizing the reality of over 800 million people around the world who do not have access to safe drinking water. While we cannot end the crisis itself, TCC set out to make that crisis non-existent in one corner of the world; namely a village in Kakumiro, Uganda. And on August 5, 2018, TCC set the wheels in motion to alter the future of an entire community by donating $18,544.34.
If you have been around TCC very long you know that this type of project is not new. Two years ago TCC donated over $12,000 to the International Disaster Emergency Service (IDES). These funds paid for over 32,000 meals for those in crisis situations. Then last year TCC selected one day dedicating the entire offering to the organization Faith Comes by Hearing to provide Military Bible Sticks to those serving in our armed forces all around the world. On that day over $10,000 was donated toward Bible Sticks helping get the Word of God into the hands of service men and women everywhere.
These projects – while great actions in and of themselves – are really just a reflection of what we as a church exist to do. As a church, we exist to Connect People to Jesus. Sometimes that mission means those 15,000 people in our own community who are not connected with a local church body. Sometimes that mission leads us to dedicate every penny of the offering to get the Word of God into the hands of a soldier. And sometimes that leads us to partner with Lifewater International to provide water and the gospel to a village in Uganda.
So what is in store next? Where will this mission of Connecting People to Jesus take us from here? I know, I for one, am excited to find out.