TCCMen is hosting the 2018 Steve Farley Memorial Golf Scramble on October 7th at Miami Shores Golf Course in Troy. This event is open to any golfer, male or female, 15 years old or older. This is a "best ball" scramble. The cost is $30 per person for 18-holes and a cart. There will be four golfers per team, and prizes will be awarded.
In 2017, the Men’s annual golf tournament was renamed in honor of Steve Farley. Steve was a core member of the TCCMen's ministry for more than ten years, and the golf scramble was his vision. He believed that Christian men could enjoy a game of golf with secular men, leading to opportunities for evangelism. Steve was an avid golfer, and he played regularly at Miami Shores where he was a member.
Steve was not a stranger to anyone, and his love for God (his #1) was always visible. As a family man, Steve adored his wife, Cindy (his #2), with all his heart. Steve wrote letters of blessing to his adult children, affirming his love for them, and passing on memories that would last forever. We lost Steve to cancer in January 2017. At his funeral, his daughters read those letters. There was not a dry eye in the house.
In memory of Steve’s life, the TCCMen's ministry decided to use the golf scramble to raise money for the American Cancer Society, donating all the proceeds in his name. In 2017, TCCMen sent a check for $1,150 to the American Cancer Society. This will continue for 2018 as well. For more information, contact Ed Siders, Larry Pounds, or Gary Lensch or send an email to