As we strive to make disciples who make disciples, we want to provide opportunities for you to grow as a disciple. This is the focus of our Growth Classes. They cover a range of different areas of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Below you can see our current classes.

Join us at 10:30am on Sundays in room 202 as we explore the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes.

"Introduction to Revelation" 
This class is designed to build a foundation for understanding what John is trying to get across in Revelation through understanding the culture, Jewish symbols and different genres. Class members will love Revelation and not be scared or confused by it. Jonathan wants to see people be transformed by Jesus through reading this Book, and to see the mission that Jesus is calling us to! Join us at 9am on Sundays in room 206.

Jesus - The God Who Knows Your Name

For thirty-three years Jesus felt everything that we have ever felt: weakness, weariness, rejections. His feelings got hurt. His feet grew tired. His head ached. To think of Jesus in such terms almost seems irreverent. It is much easier to keep the humanity out of the incarnation, clean up the manure from around the manger or hit his thumb with a hammer. There is something about keeping Jesus divine that keeps Him distant, packaged, and predictable. But we must remember that the people who saw Jesus first…saw Him first as a person. Since Jesus became human, it is now possible for us to see God and hear His voice. Jesus inspires us to spend time at the foot of the cross and search the heart of the one who would rather die for us than live without us.

Join us at 9am on Sundays in room 202.